Examinerships (second edition, revised) by John O’Donnell SC from Lonsdale Law Publishing
In this second edition, revised of Examinerships which is the leading textbook on the subject of corporate rescue, the authors have set out all of the relevant legal principles in a lucid and easily-accessible manner. The major decisions of the High Court and Supreme Court are analysed in detail. In addition, practitioners are guided through the various procedural steps involved in applying for and obtaining protection, and having a scheme of arrangement approved by the court. Various practical issues (including costs) are also covered. Examinerships contains the full text of Part 10 of the Companies Act 2014 dealing with examinerships as well as the recently updated Superior Court and Circuit Court Rules. The book will be of interest to legal and accounting practitioners, banks and financial institutions, company directors and all those involved in the area of corporate insolvency and rescue.
“Excellent: up-to-date, accurate and comprehensive – an invaluable resource” The Honourable Mr Justice Peter Kelly, President of the High Court.
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